Sunday, November 11, 2007

More Marx

I'm reading our assignment for tonight and I'm being assaulted by references to Hegel. Who is this person? Apparently he has a system - "Hegelian System" - that has many different categories - "Substance", "Self-conciousness" page 105. I wish I could get some sort of background or introduction before Marx just jumps in. Although, if Hegel was an extremely important character during Marx's time period, perhaps the audience of this work would understand the references.

I do like to read these sorts of excerpts, though. It makes me feel involved and in the moment. I definitely like Marx's style of writing much better than Gandhi's or Neitz
sche's. It is much more urgent and passionate. He italicizes his words quite a bit - that definitely adds to the importance of the matter that he's discussing.

1 comment:

Alex said...

I took a philosophy class in high school but the only thing I remember about Hegel was that he was some sort of German philosopher who focused on the duality of natural instinct and sovereignty, or something. Yeah, I don't know much about him either.