Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Caste vs Varna System

I'm not really sure how I feel about these two systems.

I would imagine that it would only hold back the participants and prevent them from reaching anywhere near their potential.

"The varna system is ethical as well as economic. It recognizes the influence of previous lives and of heredity. All are not born with equal powers and similar tendencies...no time would be lost in fruitless experimentation, there would be no soul-killing competition, a spirit of contentment would pervade society and there would be no struggle for existence." page 231

I disagree. I understand the importance of tradition and honoring the lives of our ancestors...but not to the extent that one is inhibited by them. Perhaps not all are "born with equal powers" but just accepting the role that your parents and grandparents have accepted seems a little defeatist to me. True, no time would be "lost" on "fruitless" experimentation, but isn't that what life is all about: understanding your potential and acting on it? Granted, society would be very orderly and organized, but filled with rather unhappy citizens.

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