Thursday, October 25, 2007

Stream of Consciousness

I've begun to notice that Nietzsche writes sometimes in a bit of a stream of consciousness style. Different parts seem to jump out at me...I wonder if he did any re-writes or any editing or just wrote as he would talk in a conversation.

pg 143 - "'Consequently' I hope I shall be granted this 'consequently'; at any rate, I don't want to bother to prove it."

pg 153 - "No! Don't come to me with science when I ask for the natural antagonist of the ascetic ideal..."

pg 155 - "No! this 'modern science' - let us face this fact! - is the best ally the ascetic ideal has at present..."

I wish Nietzsche could have been filmed while writing this. I can see him getting really flustered and upset as he writes furiously about those horrendous ascetic priests.

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