Thursday, October 25, 2007

Mechanical Activity - The Blessing of Work

Alright. With this passage, I completely agree and understand what Nietzsche is pointing out. These essays are all over the place and I agree sometimes and completely disagree other times.

Passage on page 134, Section 18 " It is beyond doubt that this regimen alleviates an existence of suffering...human consciousness is small!"

It is completely true. At least for me, when I'm upset...I focus on something entirely different. I work away my problems. I bake away my problems. I run away my problems. It's so hard to face them and struggle with them. It's so much easier just to ignore them and bury oneself in something else. And all kinds of behaviors stem from this concept - obsessive eating, over-exercising, focus on minute detail, overworking, hurting yourself - all these things make you think of something else. These activities force you to pay attention to something else.

It's like with little children. If they're whining and crying about something...pull out something sparkly or new or fun to play with: something to distract them...and they completely forget about whatever they were upset about. Works every time.

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