Tuesday, April 15, 2008


"I wanted to find a girl, any girl at all." Nice, David. Really nice. "Then I saw a couple of girls, French whores, but they were not very attractive." Again, REAL NICE.

David really bothers me. His decision making skills are absolutely dreadful. And he seems to know that the decisions he makes will hurt both himself and the others around him.

The whole business with Sue is just a mess. Poor Sue. She gets loved and left...hmm...Ring any bells? That is the story of David's life. He loves people. And then leaves them. Exhibit A - Joey. Exhibit B - Hella (sort of). Exhibit C - Sue...I'm sure the list goes on.

1 comment:

Lexi said...

This blog gets my vote this week. Although these horrible decisions of David's are what define him in the story, it's a bit extreme and ends up taking away from the important issues of the book.