Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Did something happen...

I could never tell whether or not David really loved Giovanni. I was too distracted by the sexual tension between them. There could not possibly be more sexual tension between them - and eventually it had to surface.

While looking for quotes for my essay, I stumbled across page 64 - where David and Giovanni go back to Giovanni's apartment after getting really drunk on white wine and oysters (an aphrodisiac, I might add)...

"I was trembling. I thought, if I do not open the door at once and get out of here, I am lost. But I knew I could not open the door, I knew it was too late....He pulled me against him...and slowly pulled me down with him to that bed. With everything in me screaming No! yet the sum of me sighed Yes."

So. There we go. David and Giovanni are certainly more than friends. But are they really in love? Is David even capable of love? Because he goes back and forth all the time...

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