Tuesday, January 22, 2008

St. Augustine

I googled St. Augustine out of curiosity. It's always good to have a little background on a topic while studying it. I'm very interested in theology - especially ones I don't know much about. I've always thought that Saints and Saints' days are interesting and Augustine is no exception.

Apparently, he is the patron of sore eyes, brewers, printers, and theologians.
His father was a Pagan (we've been learning about Paganism and the respect that Pagans had for the environment and how the implementation of Christian ideals and values led to a lack of respect for the environment). What's really interesting is that Augustine was really against magic and Paganism - I wonder if there was tension in the fam.
His feast day is August 28th - the day he died.
He came up with the idea of just war. Which to me is definitely an oxymoron, but that is just my opinion.
He also believed that babies who die before baptism go to hell. Which has been revoked by the Catholic Church now...
He greatly influenced the Church on the topic of original sin - the guilt that Adam felt that all humans have inherited.

1 comment:

Elliott said...

wow.....i'll take 'things that ruin everything' for a thousand?